MEAN / Full Stack Training in Kolkata
MEAN Stack Course Content
MEAN is an acronym for MongoDB, ExpressJs, Angular and NodeJs. Mean Stack is one of the most popular technologies for developing fast, scalable and secure web applications.
Acesoftech Academy has started MEAN stack Training in Kolkata in 2016 and since then we have taught hundreds of candidates who are working in different parts of the country and around the world. Acesoftech Academy is the premier MEAN stack Training institute in Kolkata.
MEAN stack is based on JavaScript language's you learn this language rest of the things becomes easier for you.If you want to become a MEAN stack Full Stack Developer, this course will be very helpful for you.
- What is MEAN stack
- What is difference between MEAN stack and other stacks
- Why learn MEAN stack?
- Environment Setup
- NodeJs Installation
- Visual Studio code installation
- TypeScript Installation
- What is TypeScript
- What is ECS6?
- What is difference between TypeScript and JavaScript
- Basic Types
- Understanding Let Var and Const
- Array
- Tuples
- Union
- Class and Interfaces
- Modules
- Import
- Export
- Architecture gular Architecture overview
- Angular CLI Installation
- Install First Application
- Introduction to Components
- Component Architecture Patterns
- Decorator Metadata
- State & Behavior
- Inputs and Outputs
- Templates
- Inline vs External
- Template Expressions
Data Bindings
- *ngIf else and *ngFor
- Built-in Structural Directives
- Built-in Attribute Directives
- Custom Directives
- Types of Directive
- Built-in Pipes
- Custom Pipes
- Introduction to Services
- Building a Service
- Dependency Injection
- Introduction to Dependency Injection
- Injectors & Providers
- Registering Providers
- Lifecycle Hooks
- Component LifeCycle
- Using ngOnInit
- All lifecycle Hooks
- The Component Router
- Defining Routes
- Navigation
- Route Params
- Child Routes
- Advanced Routing
- Route Guards
Angular Forms
- Template-driven Forms
- Reactive Forms
- Form Validation
- Promises
- Observables
- HooksTTP Request / Response
Third –Party NPM Package
- Social Login Authentication
- Cookies and Local Storage
- Angular File Upload
- Angular Pagination
- Angular Shopping Cart
- MVC Pattern
- Introduction to Express
- Routing
- HTTP Interaction
- Handling Form Data
- Handling Query Parameters
- Cookies and Sessions
- User Authentication
- Error Handling
- Creating and Consuming RESTful Services
- Using Templates
- Understanding NoSQLMongoDB
- Finding Documents
- Update, Insert, and Delete
- Indexing
- Data Modeling
- Aggregation
- Using Mangoose
- Deploying Node application on server
Third Party Modules
- Social Login
- Pagination
- Search
- Filter
- JWT Token
- File Upload
What is MEAN Stack?
Scope of MEAN Stack training
Who can join this course?
Modern, up-to-date & future ready course
How our course material helps in in-depth learning
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